Zach Wasserman
Recorded on 06/25/2024, 11:00:00 AM

Zach is a serial entrepreneur, engineer, and cofounder of Fleet, where he works to unlock the full potential of osquery for enterprise and open-source customers. He brings the vision and experience of co-creating and working with osquery since the earliest design documents at Facebook in 2014. He has served as a member of the Linux Foundation osquery Technical Steering Committee since its inception in 2019. Prior to Fleet, Zach founded open-source security consultancy Dactiv, and co-founded endpoint security company Kolide. Zach graduated Summa Cum Laude with a BSE in computer science from the University of Pennsylvania where he conducted wireless security research and lectured on the Python programming language.

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Zach is a serial entrepreneur, engineer, and cofounder of Fleet, where he works to unlock the full potential of osquery for enterprise and open-source customers. He brings the vision and experience of co-creating and working with osquery since the earliest design documents at Facebook in 2014. He has served as a member of the Linux Foundation osquery Technical Steering Committee since its inception in 2019. Prior to Fleet, Zach founded open-source security consultancy Dactiv, and co-founded endpoint security company Kolide. Zach graduated Summa Cum Laude with a BSE in computer science from the University of Pennsylvania where he conducted wireless security research and lectured on the Python programming language.
You can find Zach on the following sites: Here are some links provided by Zach: PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST

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Coffee and Open Source is hosted by Isaac Levin