Marc Duiker
Recorded on 06/04/2024, 11:00:00 AM

Marc is a Sr Developer Advocate at Diagrid with a strong focus on event-driven architectures. He loves helping developers to achieve more every day.

You might have seen Marc at a developer meetup or conference, since he's a regular speaker and event-organizer in the area of Dapr, Azure cloud, and serverless technologies. From 2019 to 2024 Marc received the Microsoft Azure MVP award for his community contributions.

In his spare time, Marc likes to give attention to the creative part of his brain. He likes to create pixel art (check out VSCode Pets), code visuals & music, and create an occasional retro game.

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Marc is a Sr Developer Advocate at Diagrid with a strong focus on event-driven architectures. He loves helping developers to achieve more every day.

You might have seen Marc at a developer meetup or conference, since he's a regular speaker and event-organizer in the area of Dapr, Azure cloud, and serverless technologies. From 2019 to 2024 Marc received the Microsoft Azure MVP award for his community contributions.

In his spare time, Marc likes to give attention to the creative part of his brain. He likes to create pixel art (check out VSCode Pets), code visuals & music, and create an occasional retro game.
You can find Marc on the following sites: Here are some links provided by Marc: PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST

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Coffee and Open Source is hosted by Isaac Levin