Joe Guadagno
Recorded on 05/28/2024, 11:00:00 AM

Joe Guadagno is a currently Vice President of IT for RT². He has been writing software for over 20 years, has been an active member of the .NET community, serving on the .NET Foundation Board of Directors, as President, and has been a Microsoft MVP in .NET for more than 15 years. He has spoken through the United States and international events on topics ranging from Microsoft .NET, Microsoft Azure, Ionic, Bootstrap, and many others. You can see the complete list at When not sitting at a computer, Joe loves to hang out with his family and play games. When not playing games with the family, Joe is checking out the latest in Home Automation.

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Joe Guadagno is a currently Vice President of IT for RT². He has been writing software for over 20 years, has been an active member of the .NET community, serving on the .NET Foundation Board of Directors, as President, and has been a Microsoft MVP in .NET for more than 15 years. He has spoken through the United States and international events on topics ranging from Microsoft .NET, Microsoft Azure, Ionic, Bootstrap, and many others. You can see the complete list at When not sitting at a computer, Joe loves to hang out with his family and play games. When not playing games with the family, Joe is checking out the latest in Home Automation.
You can find Joe on the following sites: PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST

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Coffee and Open Source is hosted by Isaac Levin