David Ebbo
Recorded on 08/06/2024, 11:00:00 AM

David is a software engineer who spent most of his career in the Seattle area, working at Microsoft and Google. He has contributed to a range of products over the years, including ASP.NET, NuGet, Azure App Service, Azure Functions, Microsoft Office and Google Cloud infrastructure.

He now lives in Paris, near where he grew up, and is currently taking a break from corporate life. In addition to family life, he spends his time trail running, playing pickleball, and contributing to various OSS projects to keep his coding skills sharp!

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David is a software engineer who spent most of his career in the Seattle area, working at Microsoft and Google. He has contributed to a range of products over the years, including ASP.NET, NuGet, Azure App Service, Azure Functions, Microsoft Office and Google Cloud infrastructure.

He now lives in Paris, near where he grew up, and is currently taking a break from corporate life. In addition to family life, he spends his time trail running, playing pickleball, and contributing to various OSS projects to keep his coding skills sharp!
You can find David on the following sites: PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST

You can check out more episodes of Coffee and Open Source on https://www.coffeeandopensource.com

Coffee and Open Source is hosted by Isaac Levin