Bekah Hawrot Weigel
Recorded on 03/28/2023, 10:00:00 AM

Bekah graduated from the Flatiron School Software Engineering program in May of 2019 and since then has spent time as a frontend developer, started the Virtual Coffee developer community, spent time in DevRel and has continued to mom her four kids. She currently co-hosts the Virtual Coffee podcast, tries to work on her postpartum wellness OSS project, and lifts heavy things in her free time.

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Bekah graduated from the Flatiron School Software Engineering program in May of 2019 and since then has spent time as a frontend developer, started the Virtual Coffee developer community, spent time in DevRel and has continued to mom her four kids. She currently co-hosts the Virtual Coffee podcast, tries to work on her postpartum wellness OSS project, and lifts heavy things in her free time.
You can find Bekah on the following sites: Here are some links provided by Bekah: PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST

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Coffee and Open Source is hosted by Isaac Levin